Friday, July 18, 2008


SDC10024-1 bruce lee waaahh1

Now I know Ben has absolutely no idea who Bruce Lee is, but when you look at these pictures side by side you could swear he is imitating him.  I think that stick he's holding is in for some real trouble.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sonny's Perfect Potato Salad

Yes, Sonny, it's perfect. The most perfect red potato salad I've ever tasted. None compares. The perfect balance of mayo, celery, egg and potato. Cooled to perfection. Did I mention it was perfect?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Galaxy Defenders


I've been rummaging through some old files and videos and came across this old favorite music video.  Let's see how many of you can date me by it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Something Smells Fishy


We went to the 1st Annual Allard-Poulin-Sullivan Fishing Derby this weekend.  Abby won 1st place (9" fish) and Ben won 2nd place (8.5" fish).  They knew there would be prizes involved, but were shocked when they found out that instead of the expected dollar store fare they received actual cash prizes!!!!!

We had a great time and are looking forward to next year's tourney.
