Wednesday, August 27, 2008

1st Day of School

I really didn't want the kids to go back to school this year. I worked at home all summer, logging into the shop computer with and tried to keep up the work load. It was tricky but I was able to keep my head above water. At the beginning of summer I actually thought it might be easier to work at home but I was so wrong! I don't like letting the kids play alone outside so that meant I had to bring the laptop on the deck and try to watch them in the yard or in the pool. Sounds like fun? Well, only until you try processing customer payments and you have checks and cash blowing all over the place. Things are going much more smoothly now that the kids are back in school. They're doing great! Ben's in 1st and Abby's in 3rd grade now. Except for Ben telling me almost every morning that he doesn't want to go to school they're adjusting well. But not too worry, he comes home every day and says that he's had a good day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here's How To Pull Her In...

This is an ad I found on a website for our town. It has a scores of pictures of streets, schools, businesses, transportation and ads from as far back as the late 1800s. This one ran around about 70 years ago I think. I don't suppose this ad's copy writer made much money.

"Let's say you spot her strolling down the beach...
and you wish...oh, how you wish you knew her!...
you know she's beautiful and all that!
Only one way to do it m'boy--use the right kind of bait!
And what a job flowers will do!
Try it sometime.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mom's GI Consult

My mom had a little "incident" that required a short hospital stay. We were told she'd need a consult with a GI Doctor, also referred to as a "GI Guy". When he didn't show up quickly enough my brother and I decided to take matters into our own hands and and bring our own GI guy in. His recommendation was to hang tough and drink plenty of fluids with a bendy straw.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Daddy has new slippers

Daddy has new slippers

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Adoption Day

Hooray! We celebrated our family day twice last week...
July 29th for Ben and August 1st for Abby.

Abby begins babysitting duty

Though not officially babysitting, Abby likes to spend time with a friends son, Owen. Owen likes to be a passenger in the Jeep and today spent about 40 minutes being chauffeured around the yard, sitting contentedly in the passenger seat. Way to go Abby!