Thursday, December 25, 2008

Boxing Day?

Ben got some boxing gloves for Christmas. My only hope is that he doesn't use his sister as a punching bag.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


These icicles are hanging from the roof outside my living room window, formed after the snowstorm a couple of days ago. The ice is so bad that we have ice dams on the roof and water is seeping in the house. We had to open up a hallway wall because it was coming in over a window and dripping down on to the carpet, drenching everything. The front stairs had a 3" layer of ice that we had to chip off so no one would slip and fall. It's too early in the season for this!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sliding Fun

We have a great yard for the kids to play in, but unfortunately we lack a hill for sledding.  No worries though!  We have deck stairs!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it Snow

We had a big snowfall yesterday, and it hasn't stopped yet.  There's about 1 foot of snow on the ground and the kids have been outside playing and shoveling.  It's absolutely beautiful and more is forecast for tomorrow.  We'll definitely have a white Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Tree decorating

My husband assembled Ben's gingerbread tree, Ben decorated it. We decided to forgo the usual houses this year and try some new shapes. My sister took all the photos, view her photo stream here:

Chocolate-kissed choo choo

Chocolate-kissed choo choo

Here's Abby's gingerbread creation. I assembled this one for her, she decorated it.

You must be really proud of him, Robin

You must be really proud of him, Robin

My sister took this photo today while we were making gingerbread houses with some friends. I know, it has absolutely nothing to do with gingerbread, but it is just a great photo. My daughter had made this paper chain to decorate the house for Christmas, but the only thing it was used for was decorating my husband.

View the original here:

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Christmas Card

Here's one of the cards I considered sending, but instead saved it for this blog. E-mail me your address if you want the real one.  We set up the Christmas tree this week.  Well, mostly the kids did.  I took pictures and laughed a lot.  We went through 3 tree toppers before we found one that fit (at the store).  Either the tree was too tall, or the branch too fat to fit what we had already, so I had to go buy a new one. 

When we went to buy the tree Ben feel asleep in the car so just Sonny stayed with him and Abby and I had the job of picking out the tree.  I let Abby decide which we should get, and I think she did a great job!  Now we just have to wrap the presents and send out our cards.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Parent Teacher Conference

We had a chance to meet Ben's classmates at his Parent/Teacher Conference last week. I thought they were a great looking bunch, except for the little guy who was under the weather with chicken pox.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

Ben's trying again to grow facial hair like his dad. The first time he took a brown marker and drew one on. This time he thought tape on the chin would make him look more like dad. I think I might have to get this boy involved in sports...he just has too much time on his hands.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Ben dressed as "Pikachu", Abby dressed as "I was supposed to be Sharpay, then I decided I didn't want to dress up but my mom told me I'd have to pay her the $24.00 back for the costume so I'll wear it like this and beg for candy and look happy because she threatened me if I pouted".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Spider Song

Ben learned a new song at school and recorded it for everyone to see:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog

Abby wanted some new nail polish this summer so we went to the local beauty supply store. As we were wandering the aisles we walked past the aerosol cans of hair color and Ben and I thought it would be fun to try out the blue. He said he looked like Sonic the Hedgehog . I tried to convince him to wear it to school for just one day. He's just not adventurous enough to do it...probably a good idea because it would be awfully distracting to the other students I'm sure.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hey! She did it again!


This was printed in our local paper this week, celebrating the first week of school.  Abby is in the back on the left.  She's 8 years old and has been in the paper about a dozen times already.  She's a SUPERSTAR!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

1st Day of School

I really didn't want the kids to go back to school this year. I worked at home all summer, logging into the shop computer with and tried to keep up the work load. It was tricky but I was able to keep my head above water. At the beginning of summer I actually thought it might be easier to work at home but I was so wrong! I don't like letting the kids play alone outside so that meant I had to bring the laptop on the deck and try to watch them in the yard or in the pool. Sounds like fun? Well, only until you try processing customer payments and you have checks and cash blowing all over the place. Things are going much more smoothly now that the kids are back in school. They're doing great! Ben's in 1st and Abby's in 3rd grade now. Except for Ben telling me almost every morning that he doesn't want to go to school they're adjusting well. But not too worry, he comes home every day and says that he's had a good day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here's How To Pull Her In...

This is an ad I found on a website for our town. It has a scores of pictures of streets, schools, businesses, transportation and ads from as far back as the late 1800s. This one ran around about 70 years ago I think. I don't suppose this ad's copy writer made much money.

"Let's say you spot her strolling down the beach...
and you wish...oh, how you wish you knew her!...
you know she's beautiful and all that!
Only one way to do it m'boy--use the right kind of bait!
And what a job flowers will do!
Try it sometime.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mom's GI Consult

My mom had a little "incident" that required a short hospital stay. We were told she'd need a consult with a GI Doctor, also referred to as a "GI Guy". When he didn't show up quickly enough my brother and I decided to take matters into our own hands and and bring our own GI guy in. His recommendation was to hang tough and drink plenty of fluids with a bendy straw.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Daddy has new slippers

Daddy has new slippers

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Adoption Day

Hooray! We celebrated our family day twice last week...
July 29th for Ben and August 1st for Abby.

Abby begins babysitting duty

Though not officially babysitting, Abby likes to spend time with a friends son, Owen. Owen likes to be a passenger in the Jeep and today spent about 40 minutes being chauffeured around the yard, sitting contentedly in the passenger seat. Way to go Abby!

Friday, July 18, 2008


SDC10024-1 bruce lee waaahh1

Now I know Ben has absolutely no idea who Bruce Lee is, but when you look at these pictures side by side you could swear he is imitating him.  I think that stick he's holding is in for some real trouble.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sonny's Perfect Potato Salad

Yes, Sonny, it's perfect. The most perfect red potato salad I've ever tasted. None compares. The perfect balance of mayo, celery, egg and potato. Cooled to perfection. Did I mention it was perfect?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Galaxy Defenders


I've been rummaging through some old files and videos and came across this old favorite music video.  Let's see how many of you can date me by it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Something Smells Fishy


We went to the 1st Annual Allard-Poulin-Sullivan Fishing Derby this weekend.  Abby won 1st place (9" fish) and Ben won 2nd place (8.5" fish).  They knew there would be prizes involved, but were shocked when they found out that instead of the expected dollar store fare they received actual cash prizes!!!!!

We had a great time and are looking forward to next year's tourney.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Misquamicut Beach


My husband has always been in love with the ocean, but me...not so much.  The sweat, the sand and salt sticking to my skin and stinging me is just not that appealing.  Bodies packed liked sardines on blankets in super hot sun frying with only the salt water to rinse in, jelly fish waiting to sting.  I'd rather have a nice clean pool to lounge around, with my own bathroom just a short walk away.  Maybe a little A/C to duck in to in case the sun gets too hot, a refrigerator full of watermelon and Coke.  But I have to admit, I really enjoyed watching my husband and kids play in the sand and experiencing getting bowled over by the waves with them for the first time.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bringing home dinner

Bringing home dinner

Ben's usually a good fisherman, but today he didn't catch anything. The lake was recently stocked and I think it was fished out within a couple of weeks. Just last week he caught 5 fish, but we had to throw them all back because they were kivers (sun fish).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Gymnastics at the Lake

It's almost recital time and Abby's been practicing her gymnastics moves everywhere. Even in the middle of the lake! I love the splash she got with this jump.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


My Grandfather always had guidance to offer. Whether we wanted it or not! One of the lingering memories is this saying I discovered today in my daily Google offerings: Quote of the Day - Vince Lombardi - "Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser."

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day Tripping

Today I chaperoned Abby's class on their field trip to the museum. As we were ready to leave the butterfly exhibit this butterfly landed on Abby. I think I may have been more excited than she was!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

On The Road Again


We're off to the Six Flags Lodge and Indoor Water Park for a few days of R&R.  We've been on overdrive for months and worked right through spring vacation.  We hardly spent any time with the kids and they were troopers about it.  Mom and Dad decided to bring them for a long weekend get away to Lake George, NY to unwind, but they seem to be getting a head start en route.  Maybe I should have sent them to bed a little earlier last night!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

That New Car Smell

Nissan Quest

This is my "new" used car, a 2004 Nissan Quest. I like the way it handles, and it's loaded with features. The resale value seems pretty good, much better than American made cars (which are the only ones I've purchased in the past.)

It fulfills 2 of my kids 3 wishes: they wanted a DVD player and double sliding doors (got them) but this car doesn't have second seat windows that open. We did however get 1 sun roof and 4 moon roofs. Sweet.

Monday, March 24, 2008

How do I love thee?...Let me count the ways!


Is it wrong that I lust after lobster? That as I took an array of pictures I was grinning? That as I was about to cook -- yes, murder for my pleasure -- one of God's creatures, I felt deep joy? Well, it's all true!
As I took the 6th or 7th picture I suddenly became aware of the smile on my face and the sick joy I was feeling as the water boiled on the stove. Something MUST be wrong with me. I understand enjoying food, but taking pictures and feeling joy? SICK!!! Maybe the pleasure stems from finding such a deal, only $5.99 a lb, and this lobster was almost 10 pounds. Three of us ate it, and we had left overs too. *AND FUN WAS HAD BY ALL!!*

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Locks of Love


Abby had a huge knot in the back of her long beautiful hair over the weekend from wearing a winter coat.  It was just a horrible matted knot that we struggled to get out.  We decided that we needed to schedule an appointment to get it cut a bit so it wouldn't be so hard to keep untangled, but on Monday morning we thought we just might stop by Snipits after school and get it done right away.  When we walked in Abby decided to donate her hair to Locks of Love, and this is the beautiful cut she ended up with.  A very surprising decision, but I am proud of her!



Well That's Just Ducky


Ben sleeps with SO MANY stuffed animals its a wonder he can fit in the bed with them.  They each have a name, and they each get turns in the bed with him.  Sometimes I'm told they want to sleep with me.  And their feeling are hurt if they are not positioned in MY bed just so.  His most recent acquisition is the Webkinz duck. 

Tucking him in can take a while with the prayers, positioning them all and covering them with the proper blankets.  Sometimes he and Abby will spend an entire afternoon positioning them and shooting still pics and videos of them too.  Amazing.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hubba Bubba


Abby learned how to blow bubblegum bubbles this week and has gone through a 9 foot roll of bubble gum tape practicing.  We'll try to catch her biggest one on camera and post an update.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Abby Turns 8

Hannah Montana Movie Tix

Abby received the most coveted of all presents this birthday:  tickets to the Hannah Montana 3D movie.  Her cousin will be taking her on Sunday and they will be wearing Hannah Montana t-shirts too!  Happy birthday Abby, and thanks for 8 wonderful years.  I love you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Her Legacy Lives On

My Grandmother has been gone now almost 2 years and we still have so many wonderful memories. She loved to crochet, and made so many beautiful things. This hat was not one of them.

Yet, she wore it often and proudly, perched on her head like one of those little covers that you'd put on a roll of toilet paper on the back of the tank to hide the spare roll, to cover it's indecency as it waited for it's turn on the spindle.

Every so often someone would mention to me that they ran into my grandmother, they really weren't sure it was her way over there across the mall until they noticed that toilet paper roll holder on her head, then they were sure it was Alice. Then they could confidently approach knowing they had the right person.

It's one of the 2 things I wanted when she passed. This and the funny looking ceramic roosters she kept on top of the refrigerator all my growing up years. I was at an estate sale 2 weeks ago and purchased a smaller matching pair that I will display in my kitchen when I re-do it later this spring. I will build a special shelf for all of them and give them their rightful place again.

Gram, we love you still, and miss you.